What Does Fupa Mean
And How To Lose It
What does fupa mean and how do you lose it? These are questions you’re probably asking yourself and if you’re looking for the answers to them, then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out what it means and how to lose it, as well as other useful information.
1. What Does It Mean- It is short for fat upper pubic area, and as you can guess, it refers to the upper pubic region. Both men and women can have a fat upper pubic region, and many people are self-conscious about it. In short, it is excess fat in the upper pubic area.
>>> Click here for the workout I used to lose my FUPA <<<
2. What Causes It- There are various factors that can play a role in excess fat in the upper pubic area to develop, and one of those factors is genetic predisposition. Another common contributor to excess fat in the region is gaining weight and weight loss, as pockets of loose skin is associated with the condition. One potential cause is diet, as there are certain foods and processed meals that may increase fat deposits, as well as bloating, and stress may also be a factor in the development of the condition. Those are a few of the potential causes and contributors in the development of excess fat in the upper pubic region, but the good news is there are a number of ways you can lose it, and some of those ways will be discussed in the next section.
3. How To Lose It- If you suspect that your condition is caused by the way you’re eating, such as you consume quite a bit of inflammatory foods and processed meals, then you can cut down on those foods or eliminate them from your diet. If you eat healthier, then you may end up losing excess fat in the region. You might also lose fat in other areas of your body.
>>> Click here for the workout I used to lose my FUPA <<<
Exercising is another way to reduce excess fat in the upper pubic region. What you want to do is focus on strengthening the core, so do exercises such as hanging leg raises, planks and so forth, as those exercises can help build strength in muscle in the pubic area. However, you should do exercises that burn fat, and the best exercises you can do include cycling, walking at a brisk pace or jogging/running. Strength training exercises can also help too.
Try to reduce your stress levels too. Stress can cause you to eat more, which can lead to gaining overall body fat, and this includes the upper pubic region. If you reduce your stress levels, perform strength training exercises, do cardio workouts and watch what you eat, then you could end up losing fat in the upper pubic region.
Now you know the answer to the question what does fupa mean and now you know what you can do to lose it. You also know what can play a role in the development of upper fat in the pubic area. If you have this condition, then try to do some of the things previously discussed and you could end up losing it in no time.